Event place:HERE
Dorothy B. Williams Theatre
(145 6th Ave, New York)
Three-hour intensive theatre workshop
The workshop, for 15 participants at the most, is for:
– Professional actors and acting students
– Amateur actors, people interested in diverse methods of the performing arts
– Non-acting theatre professionals and artists (directors, writers, dramaturges, designers)
– Artists working in assorted performing arts (singers, musicians, dancers, circus artists)
– speech and language therapists, language instructors
– students of speech and language therapy
– vocal coaches
– children aged 10 and over interested in theatre
The specifics of the workshop:
Experimental vocal training, in which the participants gain awareness of their natural way of breathing, vocal production, articulation and use their abilities according to the situation to enhance their stage presence. The workshop includes concentration -, rhythm -, vocal – and speech exercises individually, in pairs and in group. The exercises involve the full body, the complete personality, and the optimal use of vocal skills needed to perform on a stage. Exercises, based on Hungarian and international methods (eg. Linklater, Voice Gym, Alexander Montágh, Fischer). Participants must wear loose outfits in order to feel comfortable during the exercises and experience the human body as an instrument of speech.
About the instructor:
Márta Kelemen, vocal coach, speech and language pathologist, and speech therapist holds a master’s degree in Hungarian (language and literature), Pedagogy and Theatre Studies (Msc. ) She has taught at various Hungarian and international universities, and lectured at theaters, and radio and television stations in Hungary. She is currently an assistant professor at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (MATE), the Faculty of Drama; and the Faculty of Speech Therapy at the University of Szeged, and a vocal coach and speech therapist at the Radnóti Miklós Theatre and the Hungarian Television (MTVA) Public Service Media Academy.
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